We offer a 5-week summer session for currently enrolled students.
Our half-day Summer School Program provides the same focused individualized instruction as that which is provided during the regular academic year for Preschool and Early Elementary students. Pre-academic and academic instruction is included with an emphasis on the development of reading and literacy skills.
Our summer Toddler Class includes two hours of group instruction and one hour of individual instruction. Activities in our Toddler classroom include Circle Time, Dramatic Play, fine and gross motor play, a variety of cognitive activities, Snack and Recess. Individual instruction provided during the summer session maintains the same focus as during the regular academic year.
Our Family School Program operates year-round, with our audiologists and teachers of the deaf providing uninterrupted service to our very youngest children.
For more information about this program contact Betsy Moog Brooks at
(314) 692-7172, ext. 204 or bbrooks@moogcenter.org.